South Head lighthouse-Watson's Bay |
. Watson's Bay was a fishing village in the early days of Sydney settlement. Prior to that, the Cardigal people enjoyed fishing and oysters from the rocks of this area.
From the map below you can see that Watson's Bay is on the south head to the harbour. It was an important area in WW2 for security of the city and country. You can still the the places that canons were placed.
Watson's Bay is a wonderful place to enjoy the harbour views, have seafood and maybe even have a dip at one of the secluded beaches. If you aren't busy sketching or eating or both you might enjoy Watson Bay's nude beach!!
Watson's Bay see far right on the south head to the harbour |
Dunbar House, below, is close to the ferry wharf at Watson's Bay and, I think, is a reception centre.
Dunbar House, charcoal and watercolour |
This house, below, is one I have admired for many years. Driving by I always noticed the telescope in the round room. There is a mast in the garden and I can only assume it was a sea captains house. It is on the side of a hill with a great view of the harbour.
Sea Captain's House, telescope in the round room and mast in the garden |