Bill and Muriel-watercolour on card |
. Our office is in the old residence of the nursing students who trained at the hospital. The hospital is in a residential area and I really enjoy seeing the neighbours who I have never formally met but I think their names would be Bill and Muriel. They are long retired and enjoy keeping very busy. Bill must be in his 80's and spent many months up on the roof earlier this year. Muriel does washing every day and you can see her taking clothes off the line in above sketch. Bill was leaning over, no doubt picking weeds out of the grass. They keep every thing tip top. The little building in the backyard must be a granny flat although no one lives there. There is a second hand car lot 2 doors up.
I spent a couple of lunch times sketching this. I forgot the good paper and had to use card from a folder and the paint didn't take very well. Anyway, this is a glimpse over the fence.
What a great little comment on another way of life - still happening in the middle of Sydney! Bill bending over into his garden and Muriel busy hanging up the washing - lovely! Once again, I love the sky! thanks for sharing.